The Know HOW Essentials: a tool kit for Year 6 pupils to be ready for the transition to secondary school
Buy NOW for delivery for the next academic year 2024-2025
The 'Essentials' from The Know HOW
Eight action packed, engaging sessions plus beautiful downloadable workbooks for your Year 5 and Year 6 classroom from only £247

Teaching the life skills so needed for our young people as they start their transition into secondary school.
We help you prepare your pupils for the fast evolving, digital world that lies ahead and placing good mental health at the core.
The Know HOW Course with downloadable workbook
Eight sessions with downloadable versions of the learning resources
Buy now for my classroomCovering topics from PSHE subjects including health and wellbeing, healthy relationships and living in the wider world
This eight session programme for Year 5 and Year 6 has been written and delivered by a team including a GP, psychotherapist, teen mentor and Year 7 school tutor
[email protected]
European Enterprise Awards 2002
WINNERS: Best digital wellness platform in Wales

"The HOW People are encouraging positive habits as early as possible to improve the wellbeing of our children as they grow into teenagers."
"A proactive approach rather than us just reacting to a specific problem developing further down the line such as low self esteem, friendship issues and body image issues."
"Developing a tool box of life skills for young people."
The Know HOW is a comprehensive programme of sessions for Year 6 students that helps pupils develop their health and wellbeing, their relationships and also helps them look at how they deal with themselves in the wider world beyond primary school.
Offering exciting, new content under these areas of the National Curriculum (England) and The Curriculum for Wales (starting 2022): Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) subjects, health and wellbeing plus digital competence, social media and broader life skills.
Structured to include cross curricular skills plus integral skills of creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, personal effectiveness, planning, organising and decision making.
These workshops are brilliantly delivered by Emma Clift, an experienced Year 7 tutor, drama teacher and PSHE teacher in secondary schools.
The course has been designed by the full team at The HOW People, which includes an experienced GP and a psychotherapist.
Who are the team behind this course?

Emma Clift
Year 7 tutor/PSHE teacher, drama teacher and part time actress. Emma delivers all these sessions in a fun, engaging way.

Polly Crook
Co founder of The HOW People, teen mentor and design and branding queen. Making slides and learning resources fun and practical.

Joanna Williams
The HOW People's resident psychotherapist specialising in young people. Jo has helped bring together the course content.

Dr Jo Watkins
An experienced GP, mum of 4, and co-founder of The HOW People. Jo has structured the content to cover the wellbeing needs of young people.
Why is this so important?
Are we really doing all we can to prepare our pupils for the fast moving world they are entering?
Could we be teaching these important life skills in a different, more engaging way?
The statistics around the rise in anxiety, stress and mental health problems in our young people were staggering even before the pandemic was thrown in.
There is a crisis in young people's mental health.
Early intervention and building a tool box of coping mechanisms are absolutely key, rather than letting things spiral out of control.
We need to better prepare our children for a new, evolving, digital world with all its challenges. Building confidence, teaching life skills and covering the important elements for the transition to secondary school.
Everything is very different from the world our teachers and educators were born into, however The HOW People are here to help you!

Everything is so quick to change. The ways we communicate, learn and work.
The world is evolving.
Our children need us to connect the knowledge, show them how to adapt to these changes and apply it to the new world we live in.
We want to help YOU to create informed, curious, creative, confident, enterprising, and socially and environmentally responsible young people of the future.
What does the programme look like?

The Know HOW Course
Eight action packed, recorded sessions with teacher notes and learning outcomes plus workbooks for the classroom. Covering topics like social media, smart phone habits, self confidence, resilience, healthy friendships, making new friends, kindness, connection, worry, big feelings and resilience.
The full Know HOW Programme consists of stand alone session in a full 8 session programme that you can work through at your own pace during the academic year.
[email protected]
Who are The HOW People?
If you are a parent, a local business or a charity and would like to gift this opportunity to your local school, please get in touch with your school and share this information. If you have any questions then drop us an email [email protected] and we can arrange a chat on the phone if you prefer.
What do the teachers think?

30 day money back guarantee. If you aren't happy with what we provide for your classrooms we will refund you, no questions asked.

The Know HOW Course with downloadable workbook
Eight sessions with downloadable versions of the learning resources
Buy now for my classroomWhat do others say about
The HOW People?

Kate Toon
Award-winning misfit entrepreneur who works globally with small businesses and big brands on their online presence
'I am really excited about your business guys. You are doing great things. We need your membership for boys too, quickly, so it is brilliant you are taking this into schools in the UK'.

Amanda Morgan Thomas
Business mentor, coach and parent of 1 girl and 2 teenage boys
"Looking back at my time transitioning to high school - I was lost. A careers teacher got us to take a quiz. I was fire'man' or career advisor. Possibly newsreader. And then I was sent packing. Luckily for me my family introduced me to work (Saturday jobs) at the age of 13 and were always taking me out to meet their pals (what, again, boring!) so I developed a good idea of what grown ups 'did'. However...if The HOW People had been in my life - I think I would have been braver. Full stop.
I've seen kids on the HOW Inspire programme have a genuine light bulb moment when they listen to role models from soil scientists and sport professionals, vets to entomologists.
Widening our social connections to broaden our view of the world is critical. We all know this. At a time when many of our wings have been clipped by a global pandemic and central education budgets are squeezed tighter and tighter too.
Teenage life is still as loaded with questions, hormones, emotions and dilemmas as it was all those years ago. But then multiply all that by TECH.
HOW Inspire bridges the gap between what a school curriculum CAN teach and what all kids NEED exposure to and support with."

Jess Childs Probert
Children's author and founder of 'Big issues for little people'
"I don't know a woman alive who didn't find the journey from childhood to womanhood a challenge in some way or another, and the insecure teenager in me definitely wishes The HOW People were around in my day.
In a world where social media dominates and real life role models can be thin on the ground, The HOW People programmes offer a tangible way we can try and to stay true to our kids in the trickiest of times.
These are the skills and experiences we should absolutely be sharing and hearing about in schools and across youth culture today."
Trudy Goldsack
Director of Esantee Limited and parent of two teenage girls
"My daughters have both benefited hugely from their involvement with the HOW Inspire membership.
The calls are delivered with such warmth and kindness and I truly feel that the girls can't help feeling inspired and motivated to do and be things that maybe they hadn't really thought about before.
I am passionate about the happiness and wellbeing of children and keen to open the door to new opportunities for them all, so I am delighted to hear they are opening up to schools. Giving opportunities that I simply didn't have when I was a teenager. The HOW People are a perfect fit for that and long may they continue to grow and provide such massively important tools for schools, tweens, teenagers and their parents. The HOW People - you rock!"