The Edge

*THE EDGE* (Trigger warning)

Written by psychotherapist Joanna Williams 

Ever write a post and think maybe it's a bit heavy? If it helps just one person. It's worth it!

Here goes..

Have you ever found yourself drawn to the edge.

A strange mix of "If I.. could I.. will I"

That obscure feeling of appeal and allure that can start to feel inviting..

No, I don't mean with harness and rope or rigged to a wing.. I mean standing there. Facing your own mortal mind that wants you to step off...

If you haven't I hope you don't!

And if you have?

I want you to know that it's not as uncommon or strange as it might seem. You haven't gone crazy or mad! Life can feel exhausting. The battles we fight in our mind can feel Intoxicating; overwhelming, convincing...

Suicidal thoughts are common.

But there is an alternative exit strategy..

One which I hope helps just one person to get back on the path to life!

Those feelings and urges, as convincing as they might be, are transient, changeable and born of the emotional mind. A part of the mind which perhaps just hasn't learnt what is truly needed to soften the pain yet.

But I've tried many strategies and nothing works I hear you say?

Still the emotional mind talking. And it's a stubborn little f***er at times.

Different strategies work at different times.

But I'm too exhausted. I give up?
You need someone to hold space for you and rest!

But there's no one I can turn to?

Reach out.. There is someone.

The thing is.. If we stand and stare at the edge, that's all we see... The edge.

So step away.
Turn and refocus your gaze.
Seek out a kind ear, a little time out and some sturdy support until the alternative options and solutions start to appear.

Step away from that edge my friend.. Just step away.

With 10th September being Suicide Awareness Day.
A heavy but necessary post from me.

#weareoneweareall #yougotthis

If you need support please reach out to one of the numbers on my contact icon. I'll be updating them again over the coming weeks.

Written by Joanna Williams. Well-being expert and psychotherapist. @insta.retreat

#suicideawareness #mentalhealthawareness #community #mindset #support #lifteachotherup #selfcompassion


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