HOW to be more confident by coach and mentor Amanda Thomas

Do you want to BE more? GET more? STAY more?

Then it’s time to get curious.
These are my top tips.


  • Notice your head chatter and remember that you’re in charge here! What’s the ratio of the kind words to negative ones?
  • Remember a time you were confident? What were you doing? How were you doing it? If you’ve had confidence before – you can get it again.
  • ‘Fake it till you make it’. Bet you’ve heard this gem.  Believe you can be confident. Not that you can’t or aren’t. Remember, you’re in charge of how you feel.


  • Think of it like an instrument – you need to tune it up to get it working properly
  • Breathe full and deep into your belly
  • Feeling jittery? You need to shake it off. Put on some music and dance big to change the energy in your body. (20 star-jumps will do the same thing!)
  • When you talk, make the sound come from your chest rather than from your throat
  • Vary your tone, rhythm, pitch and pace of your words when you speak. Imagine you’re talking at 70% speed of normal and that’s about right
  • Pause, and when you do, breath deep into your belly again
  • Smiley eyes. One of my old singing tutors taught me this years ago. I dare you to try it. Having a smiley eyed face when talking honestly makes your delivery stand out.
  • Role models - people, actors, presenters, friends whoever that you can study and pick up tips and tricks from. Study them with an air of fascinated curiosity. Like how someone walks on stage – copy them. Like how someone reads the news – copy them too.


  • Practice, practice, practice – get feedback – repeat.
  • Have fun. Be kind.


Amanda Morgan Thomas is an experienced business coach and mentor.

She has supported and coached The HOW People from the beginning of their journey. 


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